Create Happiness

Creating Happiness Starts With a Plan - From Exploration to Implementation, We Hope to Be Your Go-To Resource to Help You Build Emotional and Mental Health Resilience While Creating a Happy and Abundant Life
Start Here

Create a happiness plan that works for you. Follow our guide to help you implement your plan, then use our ACTIVITY KEY at the bottom of this page to find activities and things to do that align with your passions and interests to help you stay on top of your ment…

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Explore Your Options
  • STEP 2 Explore the top areas of your life you'd like to improve upon or focus on (Click on the image to expand). Keep it simple and begin with one main category (the colored leaves) and one sub-category (stemming from your chosen main category). You can always co…
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Set Your Goals
  • STEP 3 Write down your choice(s), or use our SMART GOALS template each time you want to set a goal.
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Create Your Action Plan
  • STEP 4 Use our GOAL ACTION PLAN to create a list of action steps that can help you achieve your goal(s). 
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Change your Perspective
  • STEP 5 Heal Your perspective with our OLD WAY VS. NEW WAY chart and change the way you look at life.
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Make Time for YOU
  • STEP 6 Because it can be easy to overlook taking time for yourself, it's vital to schedule time for activities that keep you in the present moment and bring you joy. You can use our AVAILABILITY CALENDAR to map out how much time you can reasonably invest in yourse…
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Keep Exploring
  • STEP 7 Keep Exploring different areas of life you'd like to improve and activities that light you up. Over time, you will experience positive shifts with more happiness and abundance.
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Your Next Step Toward Happiness

Now that you understand what truly brings you joy, and you've set your goals, you can use the ACTIVITY KEY below to fill your YOU time calendar and discover ways of cultivating optimism and well-being for a more joyful, fulfilling, and content life.

Activity Key

(Click to find activities in these categories)

"Your Happiness is Within Reach!"

Thank you for considering Happy Healing Arts. We look forward to hearing from you and are excited to support your journey towards more happiness and improved well-being. Please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.