Dowsing with a Pendulum

Dowsing with a Pendulum

Pendulum dowsing is considered a form of mediumship and can be a great resource for receiving answers to questions from your intuition, higher awareness, and the spirit realm. It's also an activity that helps you to stay in the present moment.

  1. Hold the chain or string of your pendulum (near the top) in your dominant hand. Allow it to drape over your index finger (as shown in 2nd photo).
  2. Rest your elbow on your lap as you hold your arm upright so the pendulum has room to swing.
  3. Ask your pendulum to show you what a "yes" looks like. 
  4. It may start to swing vertically, in an up and down motion. Once it does, ask it to stop and it will come back to the center.
  5. Now ask it to show you what a "no" looks like. It will most likely begin to swing back and forth in a horizontal motion. Once it does ask it to stop.
  6. Now that you have recorded what a yes and no look like, you can ask other questions.
  7. Make sure you have the pendulum stop in between each question.
  8. Keep your questions simple at first, until you get the hang of it.
  9. Remember to stay relaxed. The more relaxed you are, the more you will receive.

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